Tuesday, March 27, 2012

'Since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

I've stedily been realizing that photography is a dying art form. As the camera's get better and editing is becomming more apparent, the skill level is going down hill. Now pictures depend on how well you can use photoshop or the expensive equipment you own, but don't even know how to use. It's rediculous that someone with an iPhone can take a random shot and by luck it come out looking alright and then using preformatted masks to apply to the pictures to make a photo not, well not inspirational. It used to be an art form to get the shot most people dreamed of shooting. Even to develope it took true skill. I remember when I first picked up a nice camera and decided I wanted to shoot photography, I looked at an epic picture taken by a photographer that traveled the world for a shot like the one I was looking at and at that moment I thought to myself, I want to take a picture that someone will look at and become inspired, who will spend their life growning up thinking one day I want to shoot a photo like that. Where did the passion for art go? It's been replaced by anyone who knows how to turn on a computer and clikc an icon... it shames me to say that the days of film and even tape in studios our coming to an end.