Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Photographer's Forum 34th Annual College Photography Contest

So, I entered Photographer's Forum 34th Annual College Photography Contest and the photo will be coming out in next month's edition of Photographer's Forum Magazine. It's got me thinking that I really want to get back into some freelance photography work. Felicia, the love of my life always seems so encouraging when I talk about when I used to shoot all the time and it's gotten me really inspired.  I really do believe that having someone who loves and supports you and the things you do really makes all the difference.

Here are the photos I entered in the contest:
Photo's I Entered Into The Contest

A few months later I received this letter saying that one of my photos was chosen.
Letter I Received 

...and just encase you were wondering this is the photo that was chosen:
Winning Photo

Just encase you didn't already know from my 100 other blog post, please check out my Facebook page and if you like what you see then like the page for me!