Monday, November 12, 2012

Halo 4

Kind of Disappointing...

·         Pros
o   Awesome Graphics
o   Great Opening Scene
o   Good Story
o   New Forerunner Enemies
o   New Mantis Vehicle
o   Brought Back S117
o   Have To Earn Your Armor Instead Of Buying It
o   Armor Looks Epic

·         Cons
o   Campaign Too Short
o   Terrible Last Level of Campaign
§  Didn’t get to fight the Promethean
o   No Co-op Matchmaking
o   Special DLC Content is Unlockable in game
o   The only DLC that’s not available you had to get with a console
o   Constant Lag in MP
o   Maps are very clustered
§  Nowhere near as good as other Halo Maps
o   Missing Everything!
§  Weapons
·         Spike Grenades
·         Brute Shot
·         Fire Bomb
·         Flame Thrower
·         Mauler
·         Missile Pod
·         Sentinel Beam
o   Considering there are still Sentinels in Campaign
·         SMG
·         Spiker
·         Plasma Launcher
·         Needle Rifle
·         Grenade Launcher
·         Orbital Strike
§  Vehicles
·         Chopper
·         Elephant
·         Hornet
·         Prowler
·         Falcon
·         Revenant
·         Hog (No Turret/Etc.)
§  Playlist
·         VIP
·         Rocket Rack
·         Assault
·         Juggernaut
·         Double Team
·         Skirmish
·         Team Throwback
·         Team Snipers
·         MLG
·         Rubble Pit
·         Territories
·         Multi Team
·         3 Ball
·         Fiesta
·         Grifball (Supposed to come later…)
·         Rockets
o   Can’t see item when selecting in forge without selecting it
o   Kill Cams, Sprint, Spartan Ops, Armor Abilities, Tactical Package, Support Upgrade, Ordinance Drops, Specializations & Load Outs are all Copied from CoD
o   Allowing players to join in game matches on MP
o   A lot of guns are over powered
o   Most guns have very small clips
§  Specially the Needler (which is way over powered)
o   No Dual Wielding
o   Skins Make it Appear Like There Is More Then There Really is
o   There Are Only Really 3 Primary Weapons
§  DMR
§  BR, Light Rifle & Carbine
§  AR, Storm Rifle & Suppressor
o   No Firefight
o   No Having To Find Skulls
o   Achievements Were WAY TO EASY
o   Very Limited Playlist in MP
o   Armor Abilities Promote Camping
o   Things released over time instead of right away makes you feel like you’re constantly waiting specially with the XP cap
o   No Theater For Spartan Ops
o   Instant Respawns
o   Waypoint Is Horrible For Halo 4
o   Ruined the Appearance Covenant
o   A Ghost Can Take A Rocket and Plasma Grenade and Not Blowup
o   All the indicators telling you were the flag carrier, top scorer and all the weapons are
§  It used to be a challenge to find the flag carrier
o   To Campaign Scoring
o   No skill ranks, just exp
§  Need to bring back Halo 3’s TrueSkill ranking system
o   Cannot edit the infected in Flood, effectively killing 90% of custom games
o   The Chief sounds way different
o   No static weapon spawns
o   Can't drop the flag
o   Bolt Shot & Pulse Grenade (Enough said)