Monday, September 30, 2013

Education... definitely not worth what it once was.

I had plenty of complications with graduating from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). Back in Spring 2012 I was told by an adviser to take two classes in the fall semester, which I took. When I spoke to my adviser at the end of the fall semester they told me the last classes I needed to take in the spring to graduate. So, of course, those are the classes I signed up for. Now here's where everything goes wrong. In December, two months after I spoke to my adviser, UNCG decided to change a few things around and neglected to inform me about it... go figure, right!? So since the Registrar's Office and the Adviser's Office didn't notify me until right before graduation, my application for spring graduation was declined... I went to everyone and no one helped me much. I ended up walking in the spring still, but had to take a summer class... one class... and recently received my diploma in September.

Now I'm looking at MBA Programs, specifically ones online, but they are very costly and I don't seem to be very high up in the application rankings either. I'm just researching at the moment, but I really would like my Masters. At least it will open up a few more options, right!?