Friday, August 12, 2016

World Press: The Devil Corp.

World Press: The Devil Corp. 

I just wanted to share this article from the World Press titled: The Devil Corp. It's by far the truest article I've ever read. It's amazing how companies can alter your perception of your reality in a career. I truly believe that working for a Smart Circle Incorporated Business was the best worst thing I've ever done. I've learned so much during my time there of what I truly wanted for my life and for my career. Even though I'm now worse off financially, my health has diminished (I'm on the road to physical recovery now, have to get back in shape!) and I'm now back on the market for a career I can say the thing's I've learned I will carry with me the rest of my life, for better or for worse. I encourage anyone who's considering an "opportunity" with one of these affiliated companies to read this article first. Anyone who's currently working for one I encourage you to read this to, even if you make it into Phase 4 or Ownership as they typically title it, you will realize with time that everything on that World Press's blog is the truth and you need to always have one foot out the door just encase you're their next scapegoat. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

One of the many reasons Pro Tools needs to separate itself from iLok

 So, here is my dilemma. I was upgrading from ProTool's 9 to ProTool's 11 and iLok wanted me to install their new drivers. During the installation it uninstalled my old version and as I'll show you below it didn't install the new version. Now not only do I not have my ProTool's updated to Version 11, but I also can't open ProTool's 9. 

So first things first I went to and downloaded iLoks Licence Manager for Windows 64-Bit OS. (I also tried the 32-bit version after the 64-bit version failed.

Next, I began the install from iLok's executable file located in the downloaded Zip file. (I've tried running this in different compatibility modes and as an Administrator.)

The installation began normally. 

Just kept clicking through the next few windows.

Accepted the Software Licence Agreement.

Began the installation.

 Everything appeared to be normal during the installation.

When the installation was complete it gave me the Error 1935.

 Then, it rolled back the installation.

 After rolling back the installation I then received Error 1603.

 Finally, the installation just came to the last screen and upon clicking Finish, just closed.

 Now when I try to open ProTool's I recieve this error saying the iLok Drivers are missing.

I ran this installation on another PC running the same Window's OS and it worked fine. I updated my iLok, but the driver on my PC with ProTool's on it still won't update the iLok Drivers or run ProTools.

I Contacted iLok and this is the information they gave me:

FYI, your case has been escalated to Engineering. The error message (about the Assembly Component) was the key. I have only seen this three times, two were damaged .NET framework installs on the computer. The other we had to resort to more drastic measures to fix Windows problems (both my responses are copied below).
1. The less drastic fixI've reviewed your case and fortunately I ran across this problem a while back. Tech support had a hard time because this isn't a PACE problem...the Microsoft blog I found says that this is a problem due to damage in WIndows (in the .Net framework).
Please use this Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
Don't worry that they are discussing a Microsoft Office install (Office is the victim of the problem, just like in your case the iLok License Manager is)...not to throw stones ;-)
2. The third user wasn't fixed after #1, above. I suggested the following. I don't know which did the trick, because he didn't get back to me with details, but he did confirm that he was up and running...
Some posts have reported success with a Wise Registry Cleaner tool.
A Windows "repair" install may clean up the problem (that is, install Windows version x on top of your Windows version x).
Some of the blogs I've seen recommend uninstalling everything .NET (and I'll add anything PACE to that list since we use the same Microsoft redistributables assembly component), and then following the repair instructions url I sent and then reinstalling anything you uninstalled above
If the above don't work out, you might try rolling back Windows to a restore point...I'd go back as far as I could without totally obviating the reason you have a computer in the first place

I have tried all the above. I have done a clean install. I've tried manually installing the files onto the HDD. I've run it every way possible, including in every version of Safe Mode. I've run it connected to the internet and with no connection. 

I'm at a loss. I have tons of equipment and have just recently finished building and isolation booth and now I can't do anything at all because the iLok drivers will not install. 

Someone PLEASE help me! 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My Last Photoshoots

So, I was looking at some of my photography, since I'm planning on trying to pick it back up a little bit, and I've realized that the last shoots I did were in July & August 2013. That's almost a year ago.

I shot Sirina Gibson on July 1st, 2013

...and Casey Francis on August 4th, 2013

It's been so long that I hope I haven't lost my touch.

Photographer's Forum 34th Annual College Photography Contest

So, I entered Photographer's Forum 34th Annual College Photography Contest and the photo will be coming out in next month's edition of Photographer's Forum Magazine. It's got me thinking that I really want to get back into some freelance photography work. Felicia, the love of my life always seems so encouraging when I talk about when I used to shoot all the time and it's gotten me really inspired.  I really do believe that having someone who loves and supports you and the things you do really makes all the difference.

Here are the photos I entered in the contest:
Photo's I Entered Into The Contest

A few months later I received this letter saying that one of my photos was chosen.
Letter I Received 

...and just encase you were wondering this is the photo that was chosen:
Winning Photo

Just encase you didn't already know from my 100 other blog post, please check out my Facebook page and if you like what you see then like the page for me!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Carolina's Spartan Sprint Mud Run

So, as I mentioned, I decided to sign up for the Spartan Race and even after not working out or running for several months I think I did fairly well.

Thanks to the love of my life 
 I also got some great pictures!

I even got a few more from the Spartan Race website:
 ...& of course here are my resaults!

Guess Who's Back!?

So, I'm finally back to blogging and working out again!
Today was day one of back to working out and getting in shape and boy have I fallen since I last worked out.

Alrighty then, I'll start out by letting you know where I stand.

I found this great Body Fat Calculater that I used with my Caliper by beasure my skinfold on my Chest, Legs & Stomach. You can find it here. These are my current resaults:

Just encase you were wondering, these are the measurements to compare your resaults to:

For those of you who don't know me or havn't looked at where I stood before, I was 130-135lbs. on average and I was only 9% body fat. Which means I've put on about 10-15lbs of fat and lost muscle tone while doing so.

To start out my workout I decided to go running and as always recorded my resaults using the MapMyFitness App. I had some set backs do to my allergies kicking in, but I'm hoping to blow away the reauslts from today with my next few runs.

Next, I decided to try a new App called PumpUp. It's very easy to use and I really like it a lot. Unlike getting a fitness book or maghazine and try to follow workouts with equipment you don't have or buying equipment you might not like or use, you can select the equipment you own, what body parts you'd like to work on and even creat schedules based on you day to day availability. I'm hoping to be able to use this to get me back into shape. I'll let you know how it goes. Here are my Day 1 resaults:

Like it says it was okay, but I did this after running and was having trouble breathing still. Like my resaults from running I'm hoping to blow these resaults out of the water.

My last post I had durring my previous workout were sometimes daily and sometimes weekly, but due to lack of time to actually blog these days I'm going to try and do weekly resaults, mainly to keep myself motivated.

Wish me luck!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Summer Concerts

Marilyn Manson & Picture Me Broken

Mayhem Fest 2013 

Rob Zombie 
Five Finger Death Punch 
Amon Amarth 
Machine Head 
Job for a Cowboy 
Butcher Babies 
Children of Bodom 
Born of Osiris 
Motionless in White 
Attika 7 
Thrown Into Exile 
Scorpion Child 
City in the Sea 
Depths of Mariana

Summer Photoshoots

Sirina Gibson

Casey Francis